Here is how we can help you "Move for Health"
Dietary Consultation
Uses science-based approaches to diet, to help you manage your chronic condition(s) and/or risk factors such as body weight, blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Suitable for persons with weight management challenges, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome(PCOs), diabetes, acid reflux and many other conditions.

Intervention Program
(Chronic Disease Management Program)
Aimed at reducing risk factors for Noncommunicable Chronic Diseases and empowering the client.
We provide the tools to assist with the management of your condition.
Suitable for persons at risk for chronic diseases or those already diagnosed with a condition.

Cardiac Wellness Programs
A fully-monitored, rehabilitative program which focuses on improving cardiovascular fitness, reducing risk factors for heart disease, improving physical function and quality of life.
Suitable for persons with heart disease, those persons who have experienced a heart attack or stroke.